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- quantity = 0 error / BOMLevel 0 added

   # Quantity of wrong value (e.g. "a" or " ") causes crash, is now overwriten with 1

- check sequence "Doppelte Ringleitung" removed

   # caused crashes in special cases. the check found not realy helpful for users so

       i removed it. makes SSLiMaker some faster too (but very little)

- sequence for the calculation of part quantity reworked

   # solved bug with missing levels case wrong part quantity without error message

   # in special cases the programm added wrong quantity from the previous level,

       this should now be fixed too


- Bugfix: False total quantity of parts

   # now the quantity has to right values according the right BOM level

- Bugfix: Wrong chosen BGS  from 1100.99 to wrong BGS

  # now fixed. no it chose 1100.03 for it. instead of higher values