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This is a realy realy awesome tool for every company which sales service or have aftersale issues. This program is developed for simple Input on any kind of work you want do as service. It's fully designed that any Person can change the input data in a database without any specific Computer knowledge.

This Program will restructure your datas from the database to calculation relevant lists for you and make alot of documents you need for a smoother Operation of Service issues. (List of documents below)

List of files which are generated

- Offer service /  maintenance

- Offer tools

- Offer personal protective Equipment (PPE)

- Offer hazardous contaminant

- Offer for special services

- Offer for special tools

- Checklist service range for service technician

- Packing list service for Service technician
- Document for sucessful maintenance (Report)

- Collection of MDSN & PDS haradous contaminant

- Maintenance logbook

- 1 year maintenance plan

Extra - Auto-Route Sheet and Auto-calc distance

If you bought the Google API (~200-400€) in your Company i can give you a rout sheet too.

The Program itself have only the possibility to open Google Maps in InternetExplorer so you Need to write the values and print the rout sheet manually.

For an exact Price please contact your Google sale from your land. simple type "Google API" in Google, should bring you to the contact site on Google.

Technical Details

- Output-Format: DOC-/DOCX-Files @Word 2010

- Database: XLS-/CSV-Files @Excel 2010

   - It can be changed to SQL if you have one, the tables are provided to do this, but

     the customer want explicit to not install the programm on his Microsoft SQL-


- Config-Files: Microsoft Texteditor

======== For Devs ========

- Verison: Alpha 20150801 (No release now)

- Developed in Microsoft VisualStudio2013

Working with it

0) Open Tool, start Input or Switch on "Datenwartung"

(engl. Datenwartung = Data maintenance)

Please take in mind that this Picture is only a dummy and not an final form. the final form can vary.

Translation list:

- Arbeitsschritte = Workflow

- Sicherheits-Ausrüstung = safety gear

- Werkzeug = tools

- Gefahrenstoffe = Hazardous contaminant

1) Create Datas for Workflow.

For this Step is a Window provided so, an user can simply insert his wished datas, copy or modify them. The Tool self will automaticly correct all databases in the background

1.1) Insert missing SafetyGear, Hazardous contaminant or tools in Database

There is a simple window for this too. same as the workflow window, it does all the work for you in the Background. simple inside datas and save when finished.

Take care that you filled out the "PhysPara" (physical Parameters) for your SafeGear and tool. It's necessery to calculate Transports with this datas

INFO: The field for the Hazardous Contaminant is not in the demo Version. This is a seperated Addon for this program, but you can use it quiet similary to the window of Safety gear and Tools (see below).

At the Moment this Addon only exists partically on my PC and fully in my head. Everyone who have to do with this, know how complexe the Management with this things is. i have built a database with Standards, legals and crossreference for transports, but it's unfinished i never had the time to finish it. If you want it and you want make a deal for this, i will finish a Version which you can use!

2) Start Input with Project datas:

simple fillout: Name, "Kunde" (Customer), "Dringlichkeit" (urgency), Int_IDNr (internal ID Number from other System)

After this fill out prj_mach (machine according the machine database), "Leistungsklasse" (machine power class) and "Anzahl" (quantity).

Optional you can fill out the last 2 fields "Bearbeiter" (Editor/user) and "Datum"(date)

INFO: The big button on the right top Corner is the ERP data-Importer. If you can modify you ERP this can become Handy so you not Need to fill out all again

3) Input Equipment.

After the Project machines are defined, you can give advanced Equipment layout to you machine. An extra Equipment, will set a new database filter and automaticly the program will search & sort all Workflows from the marked suppliers. After this the calaculation and every lists will include this relevant datas too.

INFO: 11 Equipment-placeholders are provided. Every Equipment can have diffrent suppliers. The Filters are Equipment+Supplier not different called, that means that you can have the same supplier for diffrent Equipments with the same supplier

INFO: The Doku field can be choosen when the supplier not yet sended a documentation of his parts, or maybe you never have one. In that case the tool will search any Service issues according your internal Standard for the Equipment.

4) Input Specific

This is a simple additional Task, for more specific Details of the contract. This can be Change some parts on the final calulation. If you Need other things this can be quiet easy be adjusted to nearly every Company.

INFO: The Interface of the Demo is german. I only translate it in this Picture.

5) Enter Workers

Here you can enter the workers you will send for it and maybe you want offer aditional specialists for this issue.

INFO: This window is absolut unfinished and if you Need it, it will redesigned to your workers.

INFO: This is a absolute previous estimation and can (or has to) be changed later after the calculation of the work.

6) Kalkulation

This mask is schematic and not realy complete. it only should Show the final todo.

in the left top Corner it check all Parameters preverious entered, on the right top Corner is a button which can start the file Generator for the documents.