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Version - 20160427

- new Special BEA "coating" added

  # coatings now can direct be calculated

- "CNP"-button renamed to "COPY"

  # seams for users CNP (copy'n'paste) was slightly perplexing

- layout of COPY-button changed

- VGK, FGK and MGK are now reset with the CLEAR-button

- Bugfix CNP-Button

   # under Special circumstances the clipboard was not writeable and the button

       did not work. This should now be fixed.

- cutting costs are Change from 0x7 to 1x0

- CSV-Files moved to a subfolder

Version - 20160315

- Change of material table selection

   # not it's no longer necessary to load the table manually (is now automatic)

   # S355 is now standard material again (of nothing is selected) and used for


   # material table is now more readable for users in Dropdown menu

   # guidance pricelist of customer ported + additional materials are added

- CSV of materials is now more readable and easier to adjust

- window is now fixed at size

   # no one tried to maximize window before (Special solution for Special users)

- the window for the display of costs are changed (seams it wasn't this clear at all)

   # SK (Selbstkosten) is now directly displayed

   # HK (Herstellungskoste) is now directly displayed

   # Overhead costs are now displayed differently, so users not like to change values 

       so easy

Version - 200160310

- turned cells by CNP are now correct

- missing cell in export (CAM) is now added to CNP export

Version - 20160308

- add possibility to make a compare list as string export

   # the most problem was that user lost data by quick calculate and forget to write

       a colleague that he do this and that. With this new option a string will

       generated. The generated string can be put in a CSV or XLS and with standard

       option quick spitted into columns

Version - 20160210

- added possibility for laser & thermal cuts

- added possibility for bended parts

- text on interface changed to a more (for user) readable version (with less developer short forms)

- material standard pre-chosen set to 1.0577

- "self costs" are now more easy to found, by changing layout and highlight them

Version - 20160122

release early alpha version