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The File

Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 68.0 KB


This is a tool which can be used to make documentation, offers etc.

What to do:

- download and unzip this file to "C:\TMP" (a Folder "autodocu" should Show up)

- Close all WORD-applications

- simple write in one of the 3 "Seq"-files

- open master.docm

- choose seq you want insert

- click "Do_Something"-button

- "test.doc" is created and can be modified


i have removed the code snippet which deletes the part 1 of the document (that one with the paramters). i solved this in the final built of the document. If you Need this too the code snippet for this function is:

Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1


If you want test this quick if you like it, you can use this simple install-script.

Simple create a new TXT-File and rename it to a BAT-FIle. After this insert following Code and Change "[DOWNLOAD-PATH]" to your download-path. take care that the path have to end with "...\*"

xcopy "[DOWNLOAD-PATH]*" "C:\TMP\autodocu\*" /E /C /S /Y
start explorer.exe "C:\TMP\autodocu"