I know that my english can be better. Please rate my work and not my lack in linguistic skills!

If you find any kind of ownership issue, or you think some content is your property. Please be so kind and contact me, i will remove or solve it ASAP.

You like my free Uploads and want to support me, than please donate here:

Tech. datas

Made with following programs:

- Inventor 2014 Pro (Extern by Client)

- RhinoCeros 3.5 (for simple modifications)

- KeyShot 4

- Easy GIF Animator 5 pro


STATUS:     Final Version (released with customer conf.)

(Logo from customer is removed in this uploads)


Detailed Information at Status 2014-07-28:

Texture: free or self formed

Animations: gifan

Working hours spended: 5h

     Layout: -


     Animation (+bones): 0h 40min

     Rendering: 4h 00m

     Documentation: 0h 20m

About the project

The customer has the problem, that he want spend alot of money for a professional photographer that make good markting pictures. So i was asked if i could render them. This pictures was a improvement for there homepage and the upcoming ne flyer which will released soon.

The Renderings

Animation-set 1

Animation-set 2