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WARNING! If you searching something serious you are realy wrong on this page. Please leave to another page before your feelings got hurt! If you go forward, we warned you!

The Makers of this...ehm...game

JMM Studios was created in year 2038 in absolut crappy bar where the last realy man sit together, watching drawn-together and talk about the unconsered times. the time before the moralists stupid pi*****d s***ers take over the world and banned any tolerance stuff.

A group of 300 of the bravest mans (or the most drunk with well formed womans) built a time machine and travel back to your time and because the shitty construction not alot are here now, but they go to Walhalla for a good Thing and so JMM Studios hold there memorise and as Phalanx against stupid stuffed People they are fighting for a censore free world (or more titties, we are not sure)



A.D. "Fix-this-S***" Mynx

Head of this...ehm... specialists. Seams to make all and everything, isn't talky but bites easy



Onur "/b" Schledium

is the Moralist of the Team

and do sexy sounds, Storywriting and declares the f*** to you



Metroid55 "Pedo-Bear" Childmolestin

Leveldesign, Dick-controll, boob-checker and built the scraps together, checks child-approveness




Dan "Cuntcrusher" Pizzalord

Making strange sounds and Noises for the Game, Puttin Pizza in different Vaginas


Reptile-Omen "Top-Quality-Fuckboy" Crippletex

Game-Naming Artis, Brain(-Shit-)Stormer, Try to fly (sometimes call the spanish fly), keeps the sory running and the pornish style up


White "Enlightning Moral" Sunburn Queen

Another Moralist, Embed for the lost souls of the other teammates (seams someones cares about there souls) - yes this team needs a preachess


Commander "Whaaaaat?" Silent backdoor Spy

Quality control or maybe internal backdoor-checker (no one knows), is there or not (if you know he runs), seams to know all but heared nothing.


Zalg00 "Hodor" Anabolic 3-inch Dicktator

Gives the games cry's and strange sounds, quality control for schlonges schlongs + jude controls, prevent racism by make himself target for rasicm jokes (and dick-jokes ^^)

Pyrre "Stonehard" Pyro

Checks to stone colores and know over 1.000 shades of grey by taste. Loves them cold hard and mostly little wetend.

And many many more...

Here the Dungeon...ähm...i mean Workspace of A.D.Mynx 

(here only a picture of the afterwork Training)

The chars:

For the first Alpha not all char-modells are created, but this are a selection of the most Important Versions of possible characters in the game.

Source: 1)

Quality ensurance

We have very high Quality Standards on our game:

- Not less then 1.000 titties

- Alot of dicks (small and BIG ones)

- At least on penis-tower

- A spanky ham statue (or shrine)

- At least USK/FSK18 or blacklist

- X-tra Boob size 5€ DLC (@Banana)


Vorbestellbar für 13,37(@Banana)


A Picture of the tester on the first Play pre-alpha test of the game, you can see on the right.


This game will include some minor mini-game for small fun between... 2)

Free Demo Release

Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 863.0 KB


02) BOIFUH 2 - HL2
03) HalfFUH 1 & HalfFUH2
04) No Mans FUH - Open-World-Space-SciFi-Excavasion-Game
05) We happy FUH - Early-Access-Indie-Survivor
06) Dead by BOIFUH
07) Global BOIFUH - deDUST-> deSmok // destroy spermbank
08) StarFUH - starbound-clon
09) Grand Theft FUH
10) Ark BOIFUH Evolve - Arc Evolve
11) BOIHFUH Lague
12) BoifuhZ
14) Rainbow Sex: BOIFUH
15) Shogun: Total BOIFUH
16) BOIFURIA - terraria
17) BloodFUH2 - American Fudball
18) BOIFUH Simulator 2017
19) 7 DayZ 2 BOIFUH
20) FUHOut4
21) BOIFUHs Mod
22) EuroBOIFUH Simulator 2040
24) BOIFUH Boicunt Divided Digital Filling Edt.
25) Tailtale BOIFUH Series
26) From the BOIFUH
27) Rise of the BOIFUH
28) BOIFUHCraft
29) BOISoils3
30) Who's your BOIFUH
31) Age of BOIFUH
33) Final BOUFUH X
34) OverFUHd
35) The Legend of BOIFUH
36) BoderFUHs 2 GOTY
37) Need for BOIFUH Most Wanted
38) UnderFUH
39) OutBOI - Outlast
40) StarBOI Walli
41) WolfenBOI the New FUH
42) HyperBOI: DriftFUH
43) BOIFUH 1404 Gold
44) BOI 007:The FUH is not enought
45) _-XXX:FUH:XXX-_ 2
46) BOIFUH Arschitekt
47) Riming of BOIFUH: Arschgeburt
48) Mad FUH
49) BOIFUH: Original Sin
50) Call of BOIFUH
51) In BOIFUHzi
52) Ass-in-is BOIthrough
53) Sperm
54) Mount in BOI: WarFUH
55) Ass-Effect: BOIFUH
56) This BOI of Mine
57) Watch_FUH: Lazy BOI Edt.
58) BOIFUH ArseBorn


1) http://www.elfwood.com/u/jarrett/image/8c2fa980-248d-11e4-bedb-25e2199a1146/ad-and-d-racial-height-weight-comparison-female-warning-nudity

2) http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps3/893664-natsuiro-high-school-seishun-hakusho/images

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