Hi all,
thanks for that few PMs and help offers. thats very nice of you all. maybe we can trade some, i help at one of your projects to model and you help me with the scripts. At the moment i need the following scripts and i know that i don't want get them all for free. But maybe we can profit twice. Let me work with you on your game with my experience in the scene and maybe if we work together on the same goal, we can use the scripts together.
Codes for ProX required: Testarea01
- pickup script for items
I think a few people need this. This script should make a model clickable to gain an item. Like a questitem or something like that. It would be nice if there is a command that check if the player already gained this item, or this kind of item. I think that this simple script isn't a problem for someone that knows some C# programming.
- model changing script
Var.1: Changing the model by jumping to a animation part, like a death script when the character dies
Var.2: Changing the model by use another file.
I will use this for a few things in ProX. Like:
- if you skin the wolf, after that i would see it blank. Or pull his theeth out and they are gone from the model.
- if you add ressources to a landplat (for a building) the stack where the materials lay is gone more
- for a few events that are in ProX will be
- modifikation of items
- maybe enviroment stuff like a storm comes up
- croping & harvesting
- building- / growing-script (for enviroment)
For buildings:
Maybe in combination with a database to check up the items, after that a bar (like a healthbar) shows up and the model starts to change itself till its finished. possible variantions like the model changing script, for the model. a simple script for checking a status that is setted and change if it is reached.
For growing:
same scheme like the building but with a diffrent checking of the status. by the growing it is quiet more difficult. the checkup of a grow needs a check for necessary items and additional items. the script need a check and the others gave a bonus. to set this up right, some time is needed. at first it would be fine if the script checks only the necessary items.
- crop, harvest, skinning script
I want here make it in combination with the model changing script. it will be more fun if a player see what he make. when i skin a animal, it's not realy authentic if it's vanished after. this script should be a mix between the reverse of the building script and the model changing script.For example:
animal (e.g. wolf)
-By the skining the texture should changes after skinning
- if i cut-out the teeth of the animal, a model (the teeths) should vanish.
- if i cut-out the giblets, the stomach still should be open too.
vegetable(e.g. grain/corn)
- By the cut of straw should lay on ground, the model and texture changes
- after the harvesting of the corncob the plant is still there. model (corncob) should vanish
- Fishing script
special wish. not realy hard to desing, but hard to maintain this. Needed is a database (for the spawnpoints), than the random functions script, a delay script for the spots,... i made the design for this system, for an WoW emulator. But at the moment i want a beer-drink-fishing script. sit on the ocean and let the fish bait with a random delay.
- script for a work-over-logout function
In the older ProX parts it was a very important part too. For example, if you died and don't wanted to wait for rescue your body you have the possible to seemingly die and awake in a hospital days later, cared by a chirurg. we solved this problem by the database with a script that buts a date in the database on that the player was available again. Or a defense system that have energy for X days.
- script for item creation
At the moment i want not to expand it to much, at first it would be ok. to make something simple like the cube in diablo 2. But items in box and click a button. after this a new item is created. It may be nice if there is a direction to a list mode and a checkup but is not needed. at first a very blank script for testing is fine. If you can creator more, maybe we can work togehter on this. i think the item creation is part of some more MMOs that are developed with RC and maybe one of you programer can gain money with this.
- XP bar script
i don't see that RC have it include by the standard pack and i think that is some of the essential parts of an MMO (with level ups) if someone already have it.
- XP- / LevelUp script + XP table
There seams that isn't prevented in RC pack. If maybe someone can help by building up this system.
- Skill-System
More important than the XP-System is the Skill-System for ProX. ProX is very related on building his own weapons, armor, defense and offensive systems. for the building is skill required, maybe a own database for this?
- Change database for items - maybe SQL required?
I don't know if this is needed but i always used SQL bevore, so it maybe should be a good choice again. it would be great of someone got a SQL to work and can implemente it.
- database modification tool
Simple editor for database generated items for automatic linking of items for crafting or building. how this may can look with RC, i'll be open for ideas. maybe some programer can take a look to this and how it maybe can coexists with the RC item database. My team wrote a tool like this too, so it wasn't a great action anymore to make new items, or new stuff. it prevents bugs and problems with the database that possible was not right filled.
- Local zone event script
After a special thing happens a Event should comes up and every one in the zone (or someone that get in the zone) can join this event. This modul must be some adjustable, it should have some diffrent function for diffrent events:
- Time-Event: a Timer shows up, that event mode needs a check for item. it should be work with a fast checkup. because more players work together on it and the datas must be checked nearly every single second. a database is recommended.
- Static-Farm-Event: Reach a number of items X. That is simple, only a simple checkup, until it will be a teamwar for rewarding the best guild. for this a database with a counter is needed.
- Kill-Event: A mob shows up and can be killed. for this is a simple script needed. maybe a script that shows-up a symbol and than everyone know that the fight has begun.
- Event-script Testarea01: wolftrap
As some of you maybe see on my HP the first Event in the Testarea01 will be a trap for a wolf. to make this questserie + Event working there will be some scripts. if someone is interested to work on this event script, we maybe can get in contact and work together on it.
- combat system
Very big theme i know. for this i think i will need a real teammember programer. this is hard to make. At first i only need a simple attack script for an closecombat weapon like a axe, sword, knife...
No Spells, No guns/bows, No Buffs or debuffs.
Later will come more and more. ProX always was a game where the player had much possibilitys and so the PVP was, i hope i can bring this back.
- loot system
RC seams to have no loot table included, a tool to create a loot table would be nice if we can design. RC seams to have nothing prevent for looting a enemy but this is a essential part of each MMO. Maybe someone already have a small system for this. Roll-, lootmaster-,... -function are not needed at the moment.