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ProjectX (from ago)

- 500 to explorable areas
     50 acts, each act comprises 10 chapters
- Up to 60 different playable classes
    The community decides what is to be programmed!
- Up to 18,000 different skills
    Any class with 5 skill trees, each with 60 skills skill tree
- 34 different groups
- Guilds / clans can build their own fortress / village / trading post
- Large freedom of action by an infinite number of possible combinations
  of the objects.

What happened with version 1.0-2.7?

A long sad history. We started with the Quake1-Engine at that time and developed on this until hardly still something of the Q1 existed had. With much love of the detail, we actually built only a small Addon, from this Addon, a thought grew "an game this simply fun does" and exactly this actions we. We didn't set a game on a stiff history this was based but a game this simply on the thought bases fun to have and so we installed more and more nice ideas, which from this Engine to it relatively soon led, that we hardly further came with this Engine - the performance simply was too restricted. We switched to the Quake2-Engine after it and dismantled it, that it was to be hardly still recognized and almost took nothing more besides the basic framework. We built ourselves a totally autonomous Engine from it, an editor makes something possible for us denied and so arose possibilities like you, to find hardly, or only little in other games is or was. One of the rather most critical points was, that we occurred well very many ideas they ourselves and we implemented, to a legal problem led. Ideas from films and books, where everyone wanted money. all at once finally brought us the neck, on ProX with the first attempt. Even if I could hold the team together and some financial losses, had to take so however, the team was intact and after each of the lawyer vultures had been keen one piece of our revenues under the nail. We tried a new attempt on ProX. New Engine, new models, new textures, new Quests. We started again with zero and this time, we were faced with another problem - the Community, that behind us stand, wanted to have ProX again as fast as possible. We turned into overzealous and rushed the Updates. Faster Patches, harder work, shoulded simply push the old Game in new shine forces. The mistakes occurred increasingly often that directs Engine itself and the Community shattered little by little. The already rented servers, it became drain from day to day and only few iron supporters remained. Some still came problem with our wives, whom we probably neglected something, to it. Until we decided the Shut-Down of the servers in a session one day. We went any way separated from us, from this day on.  
Now hardly 4 years later tried I to lead the team again to the victory and to let this epic Game from the ash rise. Unfortunately, the old team wanted no more. The wound of the defeat of ProX2 sat too deeply. Now attempts I, to enliven this Game again on seemingly lost stations. Created hope on people they of understanding which a Game I made how much energy and innovation in it puts.

Special Features (add more if i have some time)

Bunker cracker

Always the lack of resources was one of the basis elements in ProX. There is no useless farming of spawn points. The only real resources gather was the people that bred food and built houses. The team has opted for the fighting oriented a new option to lead one. The "bunker cracker" was born. New areas in which unique bunker occurred. This bunker was by defeated by strong NPC, as, for example, turrets and traps. Tactical action and bad faith had to be applied together with teamwork and to storm this bunker. The reward was enormous. Strong, unique weapons systems and heavy armor, as well as blueprints and an ammunition-supply could be found therein. Those who possessed such weapons systems was very powerful... until he went out of ammunition.


The special feature of this bunker was that they could be looted once and then not again new spawned NPC. It was possible to own this fortress an make a new build-up. This fortress was then as long as the respective Association inhabited, until the next bunker cutter arrived and newly tried these bunkers to crack.

Burning City

Because ProX focused partly very strongly on realistic environments and natural laws, the came the idea that buildings could simply set in flames. We drove the whole thing a step further and built the engine so far that whole settlements could be set in fire (until to the server crashes). The bandits or hostile clans were able to cut down the whole settlements as Viking and go from house to house and what went claw. Arson, robbery and murder. What more could a bloodthirsty desires? Just like the lighting, it was also possible to extinguish them. This particular aspect was in big PVP battles on settlements particularly interesting. Particularly, the reconstruction was usually a very welcome change for some. True to the principle of autonomous "space for new things", a new cycle would start all over again and eventually became a small village to a mighty trading point. That is heavily guarded and logistically better built, than the old village.

The race

One of the most popular classes, the engineer was without question. This could expansion beside arms, tools and defense installations with this, also build racing cars for a particular race. Was very desired with individual part, which the engineer produced itself, these material-intensiv vehicles. This area was drafted for people, which were already longer in the world of ProX and looked for new challenges. However, also already a young spigot could try the hand at being a racer. (if the engineer in the is all most sacred vehicle entrusted)  
Own vehicles, cleverly, crazy or dangerously fast? It lays on the player vehicle he wided his vehicle. It gave in approximately 200 differently parts they likes together could be built. It was partially also admitted that a player develop his own constructions and we impliment it ingame if the player already makes all the necessary modifications to the files so we dont had to change alot. If it was simple to impliment it, we had made it.

Beer, beer, beer!

ProX had be the peculiarity this it possible to brew beer and that as genuinely as possible! I didn't still see any Game that gave a player the possibility to brew his own beer. From the cultivation of the hop, over the construction of his own brewery and finally the distribution of his own beer.