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1 Millimeter = 0,03937 inch

1 Zentimeter = 0,3937 inch

1 Meter = 1,0936 yards

1 Kilometer = 0,6214 miles

1 Inch = 25,4 Millimeter

1 Inch = 30,48 Zentimeter

1 Yard = 0,9144 Meter

1 Mile = 1,609 Kilometer


Inches2 = 6.452 Centimeter2

Feet2 = 0.09 Meter2

Yards2 = 0.8361 Meter2

Miles2 = 2.590 Km2

Acres = 0.4 Hektare

Centimeter2 = 0.155 Inches2

Meter2 = 1.196 Yards2

Km2 = 0.3861 Miles2

Hektare = 2.5 Acres

Mass & weight

Fluid Ounces (Unzen) = 28.41 Gramm

Pounds (lbs) = 0.4536 kg Short

Tons = 0.9 Metrische Tonne

Gramm = 0.0352 Fluid Ounces (UK)

Kilogramm = 2.2046 Pounds

Metrische Tonne = 1.1 Short Tons 


Fluid Ounces (UK) = 28.41 Milliliter

Pints = 0.568 Liter

Quarts (UK) = 1.14 Liter

Gallons (UK) = 4.54 Liter

Gallons (US) = 3,7854 Liter

Milliliter = 0.035 Fluid Ounces (UK)

Liter = 2.1 Pints

Liter = 0.877 Quarts (UK)

Liter = 0.22 Gallons (UK)

Liter = 0,2642 Gallons (US)


Grad Fahrenheit = C° - 32*5/9

Grad Celsius = F°*9/5+32


1 Bar = 14,5037 Psi

1 Bar = 750,0616 Torr

1 Bar = 100.000 Pa

1 Psi = 0.06894 Bar

1 Psi = 51,71493 Torr

1 Psi = 6894,7572 Pa