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Weekly Update

Hi all,


sad to say but no pictures to see. i worked hard with the mechanic and speak with alot of people. It wasn't easy, but now i have nearly all informations for the programing of the mechanics. i worked on a char model. It is too raw to post a preliminary pic of it, but it have a small bone-set and the right size. A checked for more anatomic details and yes this was this week. (or in numbers:)


Status this week (12,5h):

Programing: 4h

Design: 1h

Texture: 2h

Animation: 3,5h

Webdesign: 2h


Sorry for this kind of rought words, but my day ends with this post, after a 45 hour-day with 4 hour home traveling and a very tired happy feeling, i post this and wish you all a good night.


Over and Out,

Yours Lord Noc

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