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Weekly Update

Hi all,


i released a new partially finished modell of the wolf. i hoped that i had enought time so that i can finished the animation and post it, but it wasn't meant to be. Solong, this is the (nearly) blank wolf: >click me< or you can find it in the models too (like always).


I tried hard to get it nice and since the last news i spend 17,5h on the wolf. It isn't finished but with some phantasy there is a possibilty to imagine what it will look ingame.


Some good news are too. Maybe a friend will help with the texture of the wolf and maybe some more. He can't modeling but have well experience with PhotoShop. And i maybe found a programmer that will trade some work with me. I make some modells for him and he makes scripts.


As you see, ProX is still going on. Slow but it moves. Stay Tuned!



Lord Noc

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